Rain is pouring down on me. The spot for the night provides no shelter, just an open field in a valley of the mountains. My fingers are slightly stiff from the cold. It takes more focus to get my tent up while trying to keep my backpack including its contents as dry as possible.
Tik Tik Tik…Tik Tik Tik…Tik Tik Tik…
A few minutes later, my tent is set up, myself inside. I crawl into my sleeping bag before attempting to make dinner. I listen to the raindrops falling down on the tent roof. The calming sound comforts me. It is not even 4 pm but feeling cozy and happy I fall asleep.
It is moments like this when I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be. My little home set up in the middle of the mountains after a whole day of hiking. It gives me the freedom to be in the remotest places as close to nature as can be.
There is a purity to stripping away our modern comforts.
To step outside, breathe some fresh air, feel, hear, see, use whatever senses we have available. Move our bodies in whatever way we're capable of. There are many benefits to spending time outside. We do not only connect to our environment and the ones we're with but also to ourselves as beings.
On this and the subpages you'll be able to read all about how I approach my time outdoors, specifically in the backcountry and mountains. It's worth a look if you're getting into more quality time outdoors or to see if there's a thing here and there that may be of use for you. If you want to have a look at where I've been check out the tracks I've done here.